Otago Rugby Football Union Newsletter

Stay up to date with the latest news from the Otago Rugby Football Union....Club Rugby, upcoming events, courses, NPC & FPC Cup action - you will find it all here!

Don't forget to check www.orfu.co.nz for the latest news updates during the week and follow us on social media for breaking news, photos, videos and much more...

NPC Cup Facebook, Community Rugby Facebook, Otago Spirit Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram



Our Spirit girls have the first of their  preseason fixtures tomorrow against the Southland Hinds. If you want to catch the girls in their first hit out of the season head down to Les George, Invercargill for a 1.30pm kick off!  

Finals footy is on!!! In Central, the Men's Premier Final sees Upper Clutha take on Alexandra in Wanaka with a 2.30pm kick off. 

In Southern, taking place in Outram, the bottom 4 Final sees Owaka v Lawrence with a 12.45pm kick off followed by the big dance of West Taieri v Clutha Valley with a 3pm kick off. 

The Metro Club Finals will be held at Forsyth Barr Stadium with free parking and a gold coin donation entry. It's an 11am kick off for the Premier Development Men, Kaikorai vs Green Island. Followed by Open Grade, Taieri vs Kaikorai 1pm kick off, and ending with Premier Men, Dunedin vs Green Island at 3pm. 

No matter where you are in Otago it's a great weekend for footy, get on down and show your support! 

The Otago NPC Team have their first Preseason hit out against Southland next Friday at Pioneer RFC in Gore. Kick off at 3pm but if you can't make it this game will be livestreamed on Southland Stags Facebook page.

2024 Season Memberships are now ONSALE!!! In 2024 all members will receive a $10 voucher per membership to shout themselves some food or a bevy on us! To sign up you can find our Membership Sign Up Form and information booklet HERE

The 2024 NPC & FPC Draws are out! Scroll down to check out our Games, or check out the full Draws here… FULL NPC DRAW, FULL FPC DRAW.

Scroll down for more rugby news and announcements like development opportunities, weekly happenings, rugby courses and more…

ODT Interesting Reads!

2024 Country Rugby Finals

When: Saturday 20 July

Central Region 

Men's Premier Final: Upper Clutha vs Alexandra Wanaka | 2:30pm

Southern Region

GAME 1 Bottom 4 Final: Owaka vs Lawrence Outram | 12.45pm

GAME 2 Men's Premier Final: West Taieri vs Clutha Valley Outram | 3pm

Keep up to date with live scores here: https://www.orfu.co.nz/community-rugby/all-draws-and-results

2024 Metro Club Finals

It's all happening this Saturday under the roof at Forsyth Barr Stadium with the 2024 Metro Club Finals Day!

Please bring a GOLD COIN DONATION on entry via Gate H!

GAME 1: Premier Development Men

Kaikorai vs Green Island | 11am

GAME 2: Open Grade

Taieri vs Kaikorai | 1pm

Game 3: Premier Men

Dunedin Sharks vs Green Island Grizzlies | 3pm

Free car parking (State Highway 88 Side)

Entry via Gate H - Gold coin donation on entry

Food & Drink & Coffee available to purchase

All games will be livestreamed on the Otago Community Rugby Facebook page!

Match Day Progamme

Click on the image above to view this week's Match Day Programme

Celebrating With Cargill Enterprises 

Cargill Enterprises is the trading arm of the Disabled Citizens Society Otago Inc. They have over 60 people with intellectual disabilities working there. The Cargill Academy focuses on developing their numeracy literacy and digital skills to help them grow in their jobs and the community. 

On Monday night Cargill Enterprises celebrated their 6th Graduation for 22 learners that had passed their numeracy, literacy and digital qualifications through Cargill Academy.

Our Otago NPC boys Will Tucker and Cam Millar had the privilege of presenting the certificates to the graduates and had a chance to mix and mingle over a drink and some nibbles after the ceremony.

Thank you to Rae Steel and the staff from Cargill Entrprises for inviting our players to be apart of the special night.

We admire and respect your mission and purpose. Congratulations to all the graduates!

Save The Date - Girls Only


2024 Highlanders Year 9/10s Festival - Girls Only

Date: Friday 6th September

Location: Peter Johnstone Park | Mosgiel

This is an awesome festival for female players to compete in! It is the Friday of winter tournament week.

NOTE: Girls only teams

Team entries are open now:


Any questions - email aria.monaghan@orfu.co.nz

Extension Opportunity For U14 Boys

The team at Otago Rugby are excited to offer an extension opportunity for all Under 14 boys. This is for high school students only.

Please register here https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/298670

If you are keen to be involved in coaching one of these teams, please send an expression of interest to Michael.smith@orfu.co.nz

2024 Otago Rep Rugby Registrations


If you are interested in playing Rep Rugby for Otago this season please fill out the applicable form using links below:



Wednesday 24 July | 4pm-6pm

University Oval 4

Enquiries to michael.smith@orfu.co.nz




Sunday 21 July | 10am-2pm

Molyneux Park Alexandra

Enquiries to diane.ede@orfu.co.nz




Sunday 28 July | 10am-2pmZingari-Richmond RFC

Enquiries to michael.smith@orfu.co.nz




Dates still to be confirmed




Dates still to be confirmed




Dates still to be confirmed



The representative team squads will be named the week after school finals on the 17th August.

2024 Metro Rippa Rugby Day

Where: Logan Park Turf

LINK TO REGISTER: https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/297579

Registrations close Friday 16th August.

This is a FREE event for all students Year 3 to Year 8. 

Key details:

Location: Logan Park Turf + surrounding fields.

Briefing: 9:00am.

Kick-off: 9:30am.

Wrapped up: 2:30pm at the latest. 

Footwear: Boots recommended (gym shoes are okay) there will be NO BAREFEET ALLOWED sorry.

Food: Bring a packed lunch.

Draw: Will be confirmed closer to the date.

Further information: Will be sent out following registration.

2024 Otago NPC Schedule

Here are your Otago Bunnings Warehouse NPC Home & Away games for 2024!

Stag Day… AWAY but Canterbury at HOME!

For all things Bunnings NPC click HERE 

Season Memberships on sale now!

2024 Season Memberships are on sale! Find our Sign Up Form and Membership Booklet HERE

2024 Otago Spirit Schedule

Here are your Otago Spirit Farah Palmer Cup Presented by Bunnings Warehouse Home & Away fixtures for 2024!

For all things Farah Palmer Cup click HERE

Phone: +64 3 477 0928   Email: orfu@orfu.co.nz

Address: Forsyth Barr Stadium, Level 2A, 130 Anzac Ave, Dunedin 9016 Postal Address: PO Box 691, Dunedin 9054