This week’s ref profile of the week is one of the more familiar faces around club rugby. Phill or Chucky as he’s more commonly known as, is a hardworking member of the group who juggles his time refereeing with working and studying to become a Teacher.
How long did you play rugby for?
Played for five years through secondary school, mainly in the front row.
What made you come to refereeing?
Finished up playing after Year 13 and wasn’t overly keen on playing in the front row at club rugby, and refereeing seemed to be an easier option to have a go at than learning another position.
What have you enjoyed the most about refereeing?
Two things, the comradery between us and the lifelong friendships that I have and continue to form, and the opportunities that refereeing has afforded me.
What's your greatest refereeing moment to date?
Too many to single out, but I really enjoy the social side and banter with my mates.
What do you want to get out of refereeing for the future?
Continue to improve and grow myself, while still enjoying staying involved with the game I love.
What would be your advice to someone who's thinking of taking up the whistle?
Give it a go, it will be more fun than you think.
Thanks Chucky, for helping our game!
OUR Game, OUR Referees.