Know Thy Athlete
Back in the olden days when I was playing rugby, life as a coach was easy. It was a very top-down approach. The coach would say do something and you did it.
As coaches I am sure you would agree things have changed somewhat, now the big push is to a more athlete centred model. The driver for this has been a realisation that a more athlete centred model is important for engagement, motivation and performance.
This tends to be a common theme across successful coaches at all levels. This will be at the heart of their coaching philosophy.
What does athlete centred coaching look like?
In broad terms it means taking a more holistic approach towards your players. We see them as people first and players second, not just robots on the field who will catch pass and tackle.
Coaches, we are in the people business. Yes, the tactical and technical pieces are important and often areas we are passionate about but first and foremost, we need to build relationships.
Two key ingredients for building authentic relationships are respect and trust. Nail an environment that is built on these two pillars and you are a long way towards building real connection.
You are the guide by the side, not the sage on the stage. The relationship is a partnership not an autocratic dictatorship like days of old, invite your players into the decision-making process, ask questions and listen.
Another great tool that you can use to start the process of becoming a more athlete centred coach is to build a profile on each player.
Here are few ideas:
- What interests do they have outside of rugby?
- What life stressors outside of rugby are they facing?
- How do the like getting feedback?
- What is their learning style?
- What is their game knowledge / understanding like?
- Physical strengths and work ons
- Technical strengths and work ons
- Tactical strengths and work ons
- Mental skills
As a coach this list will be very personalised around those rocks that you deem to be the most important, it is a live document that should be tweaked as your relationship grows over time.
From there, check in with your own behaviours.
- Do you treat your players the same when they’re playing well and when they’re not?
- Do you spend an even amount of time with all players?
- Are you supporting all players to achieve their potential?
- Do you care for your players as people first?
If you really want to get into the nitty gritty you could even look at your own personal values and ask the question, what does success look like for you as a coach? Traditionally that is all wrapped around wins and losses, which can drive certain behaviours.
How about if success looked like developing the whole person? Would that change your approach?
As coaches we need players.
Let me know if there are any specific questions you’d like answered on the coaching front at
Keep up the great work!!!
Cheers, Azza