5 Tips for Better Player Engagement
One of the common questions I get from coaches around the region is “How do I keep my players engaged?”
Before we continue, I would like to precede this discussion with a gentle reminder…
Current thinking is that the full adult brain only comes online between 18-32 years of age. Unfortunately for myself that may have even been a little bit later, but that is a story for another day.
Whether you are the first or second child born, male or female, genetics and hosts of other environmental factors will influence where we fall on the spectrum.
Step 1 could be to manage our own expectations. Some of those engagement and behaviour problems could just be a natural consequence of where our players are at developmentally.
With that being said, here we go…
Tip 1 – Know Your Players
Take the time to understand WHY your players are at training and play the game. You can use this information, when you see behaviour starting to decline have a quick word around their motivational driver.
Through your conversation with “player A” you discover that they want to play for Otago, Highlanders and the All Blacks.
When behaviour is starting to slip from “player A” you can have a quick word and ask the question
“Do you think the All Blacks muck around at training or do you think they would be focussed?”
“Is your behaviour taking you closer to your goal of playing for the All Blacks”.
There are many quick questions along the same lines, but they all stem from understanding your player at the next level.
Tip 2 – Let Your Players Set the Standards
This could be done at the start of the season or at the start of each session.
Ask your players what a great session will look like? How will it feel? What is excellent, acceptable, and unacceptable.
Throughout the session you can check in with your group, or with players individually.
Coach: “Where are we at team?”
Team: “Unacceptable”
Coach: “OK what will it take to get back to acceptable?”
Team: “Increased intensity”
Coach: “Can we do that?”
Team: “Yes coach”
You could also use this strategy to challenge your players.
Coach: “Good work team. Can we lift it to excellent for one minute?”
A great example of when things are really humming is when your players start driving this process themselves.
Tip 3 – Play the Game First
On my travels a typical training session looks something like this
- Warmup
- One or two drills
- Split backs and forwards
- If you are well behaved, we can play a game at the end!
Quick question.
How often have you had a player run up to you before training and say, “hi coach, can we do that great drill?”
I suspect the answer is never, players sign up to play the game.
How do you feel when people do not listen to you?
Maybe the session could look like
- Quick warm up then some sort of game. You could modify the rules depending on goal of the session.
- Hit a drill, then back to the game.
- Another drill or split backs and forwards, then finish with another game.
Great for learning and engagement! Win-win!
Tip 4 – Time on Task
The longer players are standing around the higher probability that things are going to full apart.
Challenge yourself to speak for under 45 seconds at a time. If you are coaching Rippa then this time could be more like 20 seconds. The legendary basketball coach John Wooden used to set himself the challenge of seeing how little he could speak during a session.
Give minimal instruction / coaching points and get moving. Then coach what you see.
Something else to consider is long queues on cones, this is also a recipe for disaster. An easy solution here could be to split groups in two. Same drill just different stations. Increased time involved means less time to muck around.
Tip 5 – Challenge Your Players
You want to try and hit the sweet spot of learning. If the drill is too difficult the player goes into overload / fear mode, no learning occurs. He / she is just trying to survive.
If the drill is too easy players get bored. Best case scenario they go through motions but are not learning anything, worst case scenario they start disrupting the group.
We need to stretch our players just out of their comfort zone, this will help with learning and engagement.
I hope these tips are helpful, give them a go and let me know how you get on!
Will there be an instant change? Probably not, but over time you just never know what can happen.
As a final note, we should always remember that we never know the full background story of what life looks like for our players or people in general. Although at times it’s not easy, trying to stay empathetic is always a good mind set to take into any session.
Let me know if there are any specific questions you’d like answered on the coaching front at aaron.callaghan@orfu.co.nz
Keep up the great work!!!
Cheers, Azza