Am I a Hypocrite?
Here we go, the gloves are off! Time to ask some tough questions…
In the perfect world as a coach I hope my players turn up motivated, focussed and ready to give it 100%.
Learning is a journey of self-exploration. We try something and get feedback from the outcome, from the coach, from our pairs, from video footage and of course our bodies sensory system to name a few. Then hopefully, we reflect, tweak and the process starts all over again.
When we hit that sweet spot of not feeling too stretched in our training environment or not stretched enough, learning and development occurs.
As a coach that is the moment that fills the cup, the heavens open and a beam of light shines on us, life is good.
Now let us simplify the process
- Try something
- Reflect
- Tweak
- Try said thing again
Ask the question, did it get better? Yes or No? Both answers serve a purpose.
Now, as a coach how often do you apply the same principles to yourself that you expect from your players?
What I tend to see on my travels are coaches turning up with plenty of energy, passion, well organised and motivated. What I do not see so much of, is coaches taking a few moments post training to reflect on their session as a coaching group or individually.
This could be as simple as asking yourself the question, what would I score myself out of 10?
If the answer was 7 ask yourself, why was it not a 6? Because I did…. well.
Next question, what would it take to get it to an 8? This will give a work on for next session.
You could do this for each section of your session or just one overall assessment.
At a guess I reckon it would take you 60 seconds, if you want to go for bonus points you could even write down your answers.
As a side note, this technique can be applied at work, to your parenting, your relationship, basically anything that you want to get better at.
Simple, quick and highly effective.
If you feel your ego can handle it, you could even ask your players for feedback at the end of each session. What worked well? What did not? How was the intensity? What would you score the session out of 10?
To finish, I will ask you to answer one question.
If a player turns up and tells you that he/ she does not want to get better, what would your answer be?
Trust me, I know how hard it can be to have that hard look in the mirror at yourself, but it is worth it.
It is not about being perfect, just getting better.
Let me know if there are any specific questions you’d like answered on the coaching front at
Keep up the great work!!!
Cheers, Azza